Sunday, 26 January 2025

EGAT announces this summer if there will be waterfront activities See the website for advance drainage plans.

01 May 2024

EGAT reveals that every dam has advance notification of water drainage plans both weekly and daily on the website. and online communication channels in community areas surrounding the dam. He appealed to the public to follow the drainage plan before engaging in waterfront activities. In order to avoid danger, Mr. Charan Khamngen, Deputy Governor of Electricity Generating The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) revealed that because this year is very hot. Many people may see that the amount of water in the river has decreased. Therefore, there are activities in the middle of the river, such as washing clothes and washing cars, when water flows in without warning. May cause danger to life and property. Therefore, people are asked to follow the drainage plan before engaging in various activities along the water. As standard, every EGAT dam will notify the drainage plan in advance both weekly and daily according to the resolution of the Water Management Committee. which can be tracked at the website including other communication channels such as community and government agency LINE groups. Business operators around various dams should also strictly follow warning signs in each area. to avoid danger For example, in the case of two villagers’ cars being swept away by water in the Kwai Noi River, Kanchanaburi Province, in the middle of the river at the Prangkasi Bridge area on April 28, 2024 at 5:20 p.m., via Vajira Dam. Longkorn did not drain the water suddenly, causing the river’s water to rise and flow strongly. The dam informs the water volume and drainage plans weekly in advance. and notify in advance before draining water every day Through the said website and the VRK Stakeholder Line group, on the day of the incident, they informed the water drainage time at 12.49 and informed the said Line group at 12.50. This is the duration of the water flow from the dam. It took approximately 5 hours to reach the scene. However, when the dam knew about the matter, they stopped operating the engine to allow the water level to decrease. So that the rescue team can tie up the car and drag it ashore the next day (29 April 2024) at 9:00 a.m. No one was injured in the incident.